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Developing for the best athletes and business professionals on planet Earth requires exceptional talent. Thats why we are constantly looking for high-flyers in our team. Are you motivated to perform at your best in a competitive-friendly environment?
Then check out our current job postings:
How is working @ Arcletic?
Developing for the best athletes and business professionals on planet Earth requires exceptional talent. Thats why we are constantly looking for high-flyers in our team.
We are a young, highly motivated team in the heart of Vienna. What our team members appreciate here are the challenges, the trust, and responsibility.

Your Values & Work Principles
1. Insisting on Highest Standards
We always set high standards. So high, they may seem disproportionately high to some. But with Arcletic, being a leader means to continuously raise the bar and motivate the teams to develop high-quality products, services, and processes. We work to reach excellence. We will never settle for second best or mediocre. Our daily battle is finding the balance between perfection and efficiency.
2. Customer Obsession
We are 100% customer focused: Our leaders start with the customer and work backwards from there because we are constantly working to gain and maintain the trust of our clients. Our leaders keep an eye on the competition, but the customer always remains in focus.
3. Ownership – Take responsibility
Leaders feel like owners and take full responsibility. They plan for the long term and don’t sacrifice long-term values in favor of short-term results. They act in the interest of the entire company, not just in the interest of their own team. They never say, “That’s not my job.”
4. Growth Mindset – Develop & grow together
Leaders are not perfect, but critical of themselves and develop professionally and personally. In the same way, they never see products as finished, but as a starting point for the next evolutionary stage. A leader wants the best for others, actively supports others, and is available as a mentor – real Arcletic team spirit.
5. Total Transparency & Honesty
Leaders communicate with radical honesty. In order to find weaknesses and mistakes quickly, leaders rely on absolute transparency and play with open cards. We prefer honest, rough manners over blind spots, grey areas, and misunderstandings.
6. Error Culture & Failure
Being fast is often more important than not making mistakes. Leaders make sure that errors do not draw wide circles and that their cause gets corrected in time. We will not achieve all our goals and we know that. Making mistakes is OK, but covering them up is the worst offense and a reason for termination.